Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Superbad was Super Awesome!

I've found I'm a sucker for teen comedies with funk soundtracks and gushing bromance.

Superbad (2007)

We ended up watching this as the word superbad had gradually entered my vocabularly somewhere along the line (super-anything really) and then Chris helpfully remembered that it was a film.

Even watching it at 1am on a worknight, this was the most enjoyable films I've seen in ages. Even the opening credits were awesome. 

Whilst practically all the main cast are excellent, it's Jonah Hill who pretty much makes this film as the obscene, rageful fatty Seth who comes up with the madcap plans to get alcohol and get laid dragging along Michael Cera's straight man and best friend - Evan.

Bear through the slightly dull first 10 minutes set in class and you're in for laugh after laugh as the action ratchets up. I was seriously impressed with the the creativity (and hilarity) of the situations they end up in and how they all end up back together after being split off.  The cops are slightly anoying at times, but it's ok as they're never really apart from Christopher Mintz-Plasse's Fogell (LOL at that actor's name) whose akward socially stunted nerd exterior may seem like a tired and overdone stock character at first, but is actually pure comedy gold. If you can cope with Seth's profanity (it gets endearing after a while!) it's actually prety touching and life-affirming. Yes, really.

My only criticism is that writers Seth Rogan and Evan Goldberg seem incapable of developing any female characters whatsoever, or even giving just one of the cardboard cutout dull and uninteresting girls ONE DECENT line between them! The most you can look forward to in this respect is 'period girl'. Enough said. Hmph!

But watch it all the same.


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